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introduction to DROPcmdk

The Connected
Music Protocol

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DROPcmdk is the next-generation digital music protocol, designed to harness the opportunities that exist within AI and Web3 in the global music industry ecosystem. The Connected Music Protocol is designed to be music industry-compliant, but aggressively forward-thinking so anyone can launch a Web3 Connected Music Store and turn followers into superfans.
DROPcmdk Docs & Repo

Core Components

DROPcmdk  gives artists and music businesses everything they need to utilize Al and Web3 to their full potential in 2024 and beyond.

This lays the foundations for fan-owned, IP-backed, RWA music tokens in future.

AI Derivative

Connect Music Development Kit

DropChain L2


AI Audio 

Tool Suite

Token Launchpad

The Connected Protocol


Market and tokenomics

DROPcmdk has an advanced token model which captures protocol revenue and recycles it into the ecosystem to create a fly-wheel that is deflationary, whilst also creating exponential growth in the ecosystem.
USD recorded music market
Years of innovation
New songs every day

DROPcmdk is the result of more than 6 years of innovation in Web music.

The music industry is increasingly becoming independent and directly artist-to-fan. Web3 is made for this, I firmly believe the future of music will be onchain .
Dean Wilson
— CEO Circuit Group